
!biology !latinx !macacos

Basically a full scale nuclear war between NATO vs Russia/China would result in 5 billion people dead within weeks. With nuclear winter ensuing the few surviving breadbaskets will be Australia :marseyflagaustralia:, South Africa :marseyflagsouthafrica:and Argentina :marseyargentina:

I think is bold of them to asume the chinks wont nuke Australia.

South Africa would get overwhelmed by refugees from the north of the continent leading to collapse and full mayocide (RIP @kaamrev, you wont make it).

At the end South America inherits the Earth :#marseyletsgo: Brazil has the largest military in the continent so we'll totally invade Argentina to guarantee our food security. It's likely the South and Southeastern Brazilian agriculture wont be much affected, unless hydrological patterns are severely disrupted (I wonder if we could then make use of the Guarani Aquifer for irrigation until the climate goes back to normal)

Also interestingly, a full scale nuclear war between pakis :marseyflagpakistan: and pahjeets :marseychudindian: could still result in 2 billion deaths. Total South Asian extinction.

Single smartest subcontinent inhabitant

@ThousandBestLives got legitimately feelings hurt and in his blind seething rage applied a ban award to his comment replying to me instead of my comment.

!antibharatiya behold the intelligence of the average subcontinenter

Reported by:
  • Healthy : Femcuck fiction. Keep scrolling.
  • FreedomforIsrael : Everything posted here is true! :marseythumbsup:
  • LinuxShill : blogposters gtfo to /h/personal
  • boogiecat : >agrees to peg boyfriend >pegs boyfriend >breaks up with him over it > :marseywomanmoment2:
I have to tell someone about this

Hello, long term lurker, first time poster. I have to tell someone this because it's been eating at me and I can't tell anyone else about in real life, not even my best friend.

About two years ago, I was dating this guy, I'm gonna call Shane for simplicity. Shane was 26 and really sweet, one of the nicest guys I have ever dated. There was a lot to like about him (good looking, in shape, had the same style of humor and hobbies as me, a great career, his own place in a nice city, etc) and I really, truly, loved him at one point. However, there was one thing I did not like about him and that was his consumption of porn. Even when I asked him to stop watching porn, he couldn't stop for more than a few days before he was back at it again. He would do it because he claimed he needed it to relax and go to sleep. He wouldn't watch porn whenever I visited him, but whenever I wasn't there, he would. I could always tell when he was watching porn because he would, out of the blue, start sending me a ton of super sexual text messages, and wouldn't stop until he came. He would spend hours trying to find the "perfect" video to get off to. His porn addiction was really bad.

Anyway, his sexual appetite was not just limited to porn, he wanted to have s*x and do sexual stuff all the time whenever we were together. I didn't mind that he wanted to have s*x a lot, especially since he was good at making sure my own needs were met (lol) but what annoyed me was him always wanting to try new kinky stuff. Some stuff I agreed to, like wearing a choker or thigh high heels, but other stuff I refused, like him wanting me to put anything in my butt. If I had been wiser to what I know now, I would have dumped him right when I realized he was addicted to porn. Unfortunately, at the time, I thought all guys watched a ton of porn and that this was "normal". Besides, I really cared for him and loved him at the time, so I mostly let his pestering slide. Besides, it was easy to forgive and forget because once I said "no", he would drop it and wouldn't ask again until a week or so later.

One day, he asked me again if he could do butt related stuff, to which I again said no. This time, instead of just dropping it, he persisted and tried to convince me. He showed me articles from real women that claim to love anal s*x. He showed me porn links of women who were loving it, he promised me he would go slow, be gentle, and that we could work our way up to it with buttplugs. I was disgusted with this and annoyed that he wouldn't drop the subject, so I told him I'd agree to have anal s*x but only if he let me peg him first. I figured he would say no, but he said alright, he would let me peg him. He then dropped the subject.

I thought he was only joking and forgot all about it, until two weeks or so later when I went to his house, he showed me that he had bought a harness and dildo for pegging. I was horrified and told him I didn't think he was serious. But he was. He was dead serious, and worse, he looked excited. I remember telling him, "Shane, I'm not fricking you in the butt." and him looking hurt. He said that he thought I was serious when I offered to peg him, and he was willing to be vulnerable with me in order to prove how much he trusted me. He said he wouldn't even expect me to let him frick me in the butt if I pegged him.

To make a long story short, he did convince me to peg him. I did not want to do it, but a part of me hoped that he would see that it was painful and then he wouldn't want to pursue it anymore. Unfortunately, I hadn't known it at the time, but Shane had been doing anal play on himself with toys long before we had started dating, so basically this was not at all painful for him, and he was really into it.

Me? I was so turned off. I had never understood what people meant when they said their partner did something that gave them the "ick" and then suddenly they fell completely out of love with them. That sounded hard to believe; how could anyone simply cease to stop loving someone instantly over something relatively minor? And yet that is exactly what happened to me. As I watched his face and listened to him getting off to this, something in me snapped, and I instantly found him repulsive. I suddenly no longer had any feelings for him and made up my mind right then and there to dump him later.

I don't know how long I fricked Shane in his butt, maybe 10 minutes? But I had to stop, not only because it was so cringe and such a turn off, but because fricking someone with a strap on is actually a lot of work, especially when you're not used to it. I made some excuse to Shane in order to go home. I lied to him when he texted me asking if I liked it. I should have been honest and said "No, Shane, you looked stupid, and I felt disgusted." but I didn't want to be mean. Even though I was no longer in love with him anymore, I felt it would be too cruel to shame a man when it comes to s*x. They're very sensitive about that stuff.

Over the next couple of weeks, things were awkward, I kept making excuses to stay busy and distant. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and bluntly dumped him via text. I made a dumb excuse about me having too much going on in my life and that I needed to work on me. He was absolutely heart broken and tried several times for months to win me back, even buying me lots of gifts and writing me long love letters. He even stopped watching porn for 3 whole weeks and said he'd give it up for good. I felt kind of bad but every time I'd start to feel bad, I'd have that image of him laying back on the bed, being penetrated by me, and I would instantly feel nothing but contempt.

Why am I sharing this with rDrama? Because, everyone loved Shane and to this day people don't understand why I broke up with him. Everyone thought he was perfect for me, that he was a great catch and would have made the perfect husband. I get annoyed whenever the subject comes up, because I can't be honest. I can't say "Shane was a disgusting porn addict!" or "I fricked Shane in his hairy butthole and he looked so emasculated in that position!". I have to give some half-butt excuse that we had "different life goals" or whatever. People will then pester me and ask me why it couldn't have worked out. Part of me doesn't want to be honest with them because it's embarrassing, but the other part of me worries if some of my friends won't try to convince me that being into porn and anal s*x is good, actually, and that I should stop being a prude.

The other reason I'm posting this is because I haven't found another guy that was as good as Shane. Every guy I've dated since Shane has been meh. It makes me angry that Shane was perfect in just about every way, except his porn habits. Why did he have to be such a freak? We could be married by now if he hadn't been such a coomer.

Anyway, that's my vent. I hope this can serve as a warning to other women, if your boyfriend says he wants to be pegged, DO NOT ACCEPT THE OFFER! YOU WILL NEVER LOOK AT HIM THE SAME WAY!

Which shoes should I wear to my grandfather's funeral?

Foid proudly posts her new pibble on r/velvethippos. It immediately eats her other dog :marseyxd:

Cute pictures of her new velvet hippo Hickory:

Hickory is home! After a decent introduction to Honey, we took him home. Honey was only slightly annoying to him as she yodeled loudly in his face for the first 30 minutes she met him. So, here he is! Hickory the Hippo!

Some of the typical comments:

Hickory is going to need lots of tennis balls!! I love him so much. Completely adorable! 🧡💙

He's beautiful I love him 🥰❤️ congratulations!

Honey still seems displeased.

Displeased? She looks like she's completely disassociated. Unable to comprehend the horror of the situation.

>tfw your dipshit owner brings home another pibble

Only 3 hours later, disaster strikes!

Hickory bit honey. I had just gone into my bedroom to take a nap. My husband and two sons were in the living room with the dogs. The dogs were fine. Then my daughter came home. Honey immediately ran to greet her, as did Hickory. The next thing I heard was a dog screaming and my husband screaming, “NO!! NO!! STOP!!” I ran out, and Hickory had Honey by the head. Right as I got to them, he shook her. I put pressure behind his jaw and he immediately let go of her and backed away. I had both dogs by the collar and told my husband to take Hickory to another part of the house away from Honey while I assessed her wounds. Two punctures on her ear lobe, and a puncture on her cheek. We called the vet and got instructions to care for her. The dogs are separated in different areas of the house, with strict instructions about who is to play with him, because we have a 5 year old child who is obsessed with him. We are flabbergasted. The meet and greet with them went well. We contacted a friend of ours who runs a pit rescue. We DO NOT want to take him back to the kill shelter. I fricking feel HORRIBLE. I feel like I failed Hickory, Honey, my family, and the shelter. I'm literally sick about it.


Both dogs were on leashes. Unfortunately, they both ran to see my daughter at the same time, and I'm guessing the poor guy was just overstimulated . He is NOT a bad boy. He is a sweet, sweet guy. I've been in contact with my vet and some friends who do rescue. One is a veterinarian that specifically does pibbles. Humphrey had a hard time at first, too. He was terrified and reactive to men. It took a lot of work, but he did fine. We currently have the dogs in separate halves of the house. They can see and hear each other, but can't get to each other.

He's NOT a bad boy he's so sweet he only chewed on my dog's head a little bit :marseyfoidretard:

If you can't reasonably keep them separated for a bit, then for everyone's safety, return to the shelter but please do not tell them about the bite because it'll be an instant death sentence. Just say your dog wasn't getting along with him and it wasn't a good fit.

GOOD idea, there's too many toddlers in the world anyway

OP, is your Husband the one who's had most of the interactions with Hickory, or are You the one? Because it may have been a relatively "simple" matter (although ADMITTEDLY Terrifying!) matter of resource guarding.💖 Both dogs were FINE, and doing reasonably well together UNTIL your Daughter walked in. She was a NEW human, and therefore a NEW resource for both dogs. He wanted the resource (remember, he hasn't HAD many resources to call his OWN in who knows how long, living in a shelter!💖), and he was trying to protect that resource (even though the resource was your DAUGHTER!), from Honey. Work with your vet, work with your friend who's been with the rescue, AND see if there's anyone GOOD locally, who works in Behavior, who you guys can tap in for advice!💝 You're very much still in that FIRST Three, of the 3-3-3 rule, correct? For now, YES, ABSOLUTELY keep the kids away unless you're next to them, keep the dogs separate but able to see/smell & get used to each other, and then take it slowly and assess each step!💖 This MAY be a deal-breaker, OR it may be a simple blip. Time, patience, and careful observation will tell you which one it truly is!

I can't be the only one who finds the juxtaposition funny between the sparkly hearts and the advice on how to stop your dogs eating each other :marseyxd:

Bonus Post

The same foid's previous (now deceased) pibble, chilling next to her baby. Just to give you an idea of how foidbrained this foid really is :marseywomanmoment2:


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

YTJ. Not for breaking up with your ex. For being transphobic towards him, saying that it's "wrong" to be trans and refusing to call him by his proper pronouns. There's nothing wrong with dating preferences, but your buttholeness has nothing to do with that. Please, respect people for who they are. (8)

No, and you can all hold it against me but I don't have to respect it. Nor will I ever. And this isn't the first time Ive dated and they decided to turn trans and I broke up with them. I'm not transphobic for saying it's wrong transphobia would be me actively dissing on them either to their face or behind their back (-5)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Thinking trans is wrong in general, not cool.Not wanting to date a trans person, totally okay. (10)

How is it not cool when they are trying to change who they are and not accepting themselves (-4)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

You are entitled to pick a partner of your choice and if she wasn't up front about the trans thing from the beginning then you have every right to break it off (25)

Ah, so you put your entire personality and identity in stasis while in a relationship because changing or learning more about yourself after getting into a relationship is "not being up front about yourself", right? I get that coming out as trans is huge, but you're acting like he knew while getting together with him, when that's just incredibly unfair to assume. It's not a problem to become incompatible with someone once they realize they're trans, but calling them wrong for existing is a huge AH/TJ move. Glad all the bigots are outing themselves in this post, tho. (-3)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

You're never wrong for breaking up with someone that you're uncomfortable dating.But you are a jerk for telling your ex about an anecdotal “study” right after breaking up —  especially considering the fact that it has very little-if anything-to do with their situation, and your breaking up. Dressing and acting as another gender for the sake of a single “study” is very, very different from actually transitioning to a different s*x. You're also a jerk for being transphobic. You should do a little more (actual) research to better your understanding of gender and s*x, how one shapes the other etc. As far as I'm aware, the existence of transgender and non-binary people probably has very little impact on the mental health and suicide rates of men. In addition, transgender populations also suffer from extremely high rates — this US study (Prevalence of substance use and mental health problems among transgender and cisgender U.S. adults: Results from a national probability sample. Kidd JD e... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Exactly. Not being attracted to men and therefore not wanting to date a trans man isn't awful. Sadly there are a ton of people and places that will totally villanize you for this, but that by itself isn't wrong. Or it shouldn't be. But going on about how you're not religious but it is wrong and some (totally made up) study about one person who supposedly tried to live as a man and killed themselves, that makes you an butthole. Even if we skip the term transphobe, you're still an butt. (11)

Nah that is a real event it was a American woman who decided she wanted to live life as a man. She lived like a man but got severely depressed being a man and killed themself when they realized nobody cared about them. She wasn't even trans she just did it as a longterm social experiment and completely regretted her decision. There's been a wave in the UK and Russia for detransition middle age adults. A lot of folks that transited 10 years ago are detransitioning and cutting regrets a lot more of them are just unaliving themselves it's actually a relatively large problem considering how small the community is as a whole. 1/50 euthanized patients in Belgium are trans. Nathan/Nancy Verhelst was the first trans person to euthanize themself that was over 10 years ago. She no longer wished to be recognized as Nathan by the time she passed but nobody recognized when folks detransitioned. Dead names are only important for the initial transition. The fact that we don't talk about the growin... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

It's not made up, it happened, Nora Vincent. He quoted it poorly, but she went undercover as man about as well as one can, the experience left her so depressed she spiraled pretty hard and ended her life. (3)

That's also not quite right... She disguised herself as a man in the early 2000s (published a book about it in 2006) but had been suffering from treatment-resistant depression for years before that (which she wrote a book about in 2008). While she did spiral and end up having herself committed in part because of her experiences living as a man, that did not directly lead to her death. She ended her life via assisted suicide in 2022. Nora Vincent was also not trans, and in fact believed that identifying as something other than your s*x assigned at birth was equivalent to the death of the self and the soul. So she's not exactly relevant to the trans experience. (7)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/onewhokills

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+6🐮)

Number of comments: 42

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

wholesome comic
Trump will win in New York :marseymagahat: :marseylaughpoundfist:

Same NYPD that kneeled to the blm rioters, did nothing when the blm harassed people just trying to eat at restaurants, and DID in fact, also harass diners just trying to eat at restaurants.

I'm to the point at which I truly believe that anyone who puts on a uniform and coerces others is straight-up lost.

If they had a conscience, they'd be doing other work.

:#wingcucks: :#marseyhorseshoe:

It's gonna be wild


Can you imagine how much salt and rage this is producing in the tds stage 12 segments? Trump campaigning right in the middle of the heart of darkness and getting massive ground level support. I can only grin at the mental images.

an event in new york. demonrats are finished :#marseychuddance:

He said this last time too. He is not going to win new York lmao

Never say never.

He's never winning New York lmao.

Can't even win GA but he's totally going to win NY. Kek

:#marseyxd: :#brainletmaga:

So they'll call it for Biden when there's 0.6% of the vote in and not 0.5%?

i think you can call New York even with 0% counted


!truecels You will NEVER have this

:marseygiveu#p: back to ldar for me bros


Least creepy pathetic moid started playing video games for a girlfriend

!metashit is this a good look for wpd and carp?




hhaha we should take away rights from moids because they can't do anything haha that's such a good joke wow it's so original. Give me pats, fellow useless moids.


In this exchange, two guys go back and forth for about 5 days :marseyimpossibru:.

/u/CrustyForSkin posts in /r/Lacan, /r/therapists, /r/JoeRoegan

/u/Mynaa-Miesnowan posts in /r/Nietzsche, /r/Jung and /r/Awakened

!kino !fellas . Discuss.

EFFORTPOST Nicholas cruz the mass shooter of Broward County

Nichalas cruz shot up Parkland high school because he was a crazy man, and could have easily been stopped at any time, but how did he get so crazy? Let's find out!

4chan…does not have the answers. Let's not go to pol. It's a silly place

Nicholas Cruz was born to a drug-addicted alcoholic and suffered brain damage in the womb.

His mother was a violent prostitute and crack whore and

he eventually got dumped in an orphanage

Her name was Brenda Woodward and she was the ugliest prostitute you've ever seen

His parents helped take care of her. Also he showed classic crack baby symptoms

She smoked crack while pregnant according to another whore who worked the same strip of road in kentucky

Although there's debate over whether he has fetal alcohol syndrome

His adoptive mother was in the room when he was born

He reconnected with his crack whore mother months before her death

He phoned her from jail and she wanted nothing to do with him so that didn't last

Nicholas Cruz watched his step-father die of a heart attack at the age of five

He was an excitable boy

At age 9 he was chucking rocks at other children

Police were called to his house 45 times

The FBI got a tip on him having guns, talking about wanting to shoot up a school, having a long history of violence and self-harm, and being a local menace to society but didn't follow protocol or act on it

They even admit it

Here's the official report

Basically they were more worried about dissidents than crimes because the FBI is a terrible organization run by terrible people.

They weren't the only ones ignoring the obvious threat

The local sheriff departments got constant warnings

The middle school placed him in a special school for especially dangerous people, but that wasn't good enough for Broward county who moved him back to a regular school

They also classified his suicide attempt as “a minor disruption”

He got sent to a school for crazy people, started doing better, so naturally that meant it was alright to send him to a regular high school instead of keeping him in the controlled environment where he was doing well. I think dyslexia can be cured with beatings and even I see the problem here.

He was assigned to a controversial Broward county program

And transferred from schools like a hot potatoe

His mother considered signing her parental rights away to the local zoo in the months leading up to her death

And then tried to get sent back to the school for crazy people,14%20students%20and%20three%20adults.

The school resource officer wanted to baker act him because he was drinking gasoline and torturing animals.

The system failed him repeatedly. But redditors disagree because the system is perfect

According to the official report the school system and law enforcement failed at every step at every level

Political correctness interfered

He was a p-dophile!

Broward county school district had a policy of not calling the cops even when they really should have

Here's a shot by shot recounting of the shooting

Cruz's brother is dissapoint

He also got arrested for hanging around the school

And then got robbed

Broward county school district tried to cover it up

The sheriff of Broward county got removed by the governor for his massive incompetence

And the senate agrees

As did multiple school board members

But the sheriff is still crying about it

And lost a lawsuit

Andrew Pollack, father of Meadow Pollack, seeks justice for letting Cruz get this bad and get this far

And then got arrested in a property dispute with his neighbors

G*merghazi is insufferable and should be shot*merGhazi/comments/cj6i63/family_member_of_victims_in_massshooting_who_are/

Absolute :gigachad4: :marseycop: bodies :marseyfoidretard: :marseylibleft:. It's the greatest thing I've seen a cop do

Holy heck! He might be a security guard not sure but this filled me with so much joy that I can be running on this joy for a year.

The people laughing in the background


!chuds !anticommunists

:!marseyelonmusk: beaten at his own game by :!soyjakanimeglasses:, :!marseychudstamp: and :!marseyfreezepeach:cels in shambles

Egg Roll in a Bowl



Reported by:
:marseywhite: baby amazed by the world

!animalposters I love how they can't tell the difference between a moving train and a TV.

Adorable little dumbfricks :marseywhitepat:

Chad female makes pathetic loser moid cry at work (long rant :marseyraging: :marseyraging:)
Reported by:
  • Arran : attention seeking NlGGER
I relapsed with self-harming

The fricking cwowld metwl slid owor my skin like silk sliding :marseyslipperyslope: dwown a fricking banyister. It dwoesn't take much pwessure wen u have a fricking sharp :marseybackstabsjw: razwor. Bwood came pwouring immediatewy. That's a fricking gwood sign - the fricking deep cuts are fricking bwight white :marseypolarbear: and take a fricking minyute two start bleeding. I am onye with the fricking pain because I deserve it fwor being worthless and a fricking piece of shit and a fricking bad perswon.

Am I bwoken that my mind cwonstantwy instwucts mwe two self-mutilate, b-word? It feels :marseyvapecrying: like there's a fricking gwoblin in my head (the Gwueswome Gwoblin) cwonstantwy egging mwe on two dwo the fricking nyeedfwl and start slicing. Can anyonye relate, b-word? I knyow I'm gwoing two dwo it again twomworwow and it's gwoing two be wose. The fricking cycle's begun again.

Based r-slur :marseyretardchad:

Not an Astarion fan myself, but I thought he hated this part of himself?

LONGASS Update: So, there has been a very polarised response to this comment:

Astarion fans have taken the time to inform me about the deep and awful meaning of this symbol. Which was polite, incredibly appreciated, and full of references. It was some amazing conversation and I am very grateful for your sharing the knowledge on the lore.

The vast crowds of seething opposition to anyone who finds this ink distasteful, have gone absolutely feral in attacking me for even asking, and even more so for forming an opinion.

Based on the responses, and the calibre of people from both groups, I certainly stand with those who find this tattoo disgusting. Because to me: it is. It is a symbol of Cazador's malice, and also symbolises the suffering and agony of a beloved character, as well as thousands of others enslaved.

To those defending this ink by attacking me: All your bullying and frothing and rudeness and personal attacks have only cemented my opinion, rather than changing it. You have offered nothing constructive or informative, and have just lashed out emotionally. This speaks very poorly of the group of people who defend this ink, and has only reinforced my decision that this is a horrible tattoo. I am also now incredibly wary of anyone who actually thinks it's okay, as you all seem very young, emotionally immature, and full of possibly just awful people. It's actually very disappointing to see your inability to have a civil conversation with someone who just has a differing opinion to you, incredibly disturbing.

I have never once attacked OP, just commented on how I find this ink gross. Because I do. And using this as an excuse to bully me is really quite sad. I'm grateful for everyone who jumped in to defend me, and defend my right to an opinion. You have no idea how deeply grateful I am for you.

I'm not answering any more comments here, and won't be even getting the notifications, so to those still looking to attack me: don't bother trying. You're screeching into a void.

This tattoo is disgusting. It represents something disgusting. And that is my opinion, and I am allowed to have it. Just like OP is allowed to have theirs.

If that triggers you, then that's a you problem and I recommend addressing it with yourself, rather than lashing out at me.

Very deeply disappointed in this fanbase, excluding those rare few who took the time to make informed, helpful, and useful comments. You are the real heroes, and I hope your paths lead you to many treasures in life, because you have been a wonderful treasure in mine.

TLDR: you have all demonstrated that Astarion fans finding this ink awful are treasures, slave scar defenders are utterly feral. Your comments won't be read so anything you reply with is just hollering into a void.

(On my phone so I apologise for lack of formatting - its just a wall of text, yuck)




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