can @houellebecq's mom please :marseyinshallah: slide in my dms

i promise i wont tell her which account is yours

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By the grace of Monty /h/vampire has come back to un-life

And once again House :marseyvampirecrusader: Vampire :marseycountvoncount: rises from the coffin :marseyvampeek: like, well, ourselves

@birdenthusiast Will be the #2 Janny

All others can apply and I'll think :marseymindblown: about it


Communism will win most vodka :marseyrussian: enriched blood :marseyblenderafter: award :marseyklennywinner: :marseyvampire:

Character from boomer game gets killed in kids' show, chud loses his mind

:marseyboomer: siiiiip

Remember Star Wars Republic Commando? Fun game for its age. One of the characters in your squad was a commando named Scorch, and he recently had been making "cameos" in Star Wars The Bad Batch, a spin off of the Clone Wars show. Taking place after Revenge of the Sith, the show involves a group of clones that did not betray the Jedi and now go on wacky adventures. Scorch was not one of these clones, appearing as an enemy at times. The other night, the finale for the show aired in which the Batch killed Scorch.

Our chud of topic here is BluePhoenix, a 27 year old Star Wars and Halo fan. BP starts losing it over Scorch's death.

He starts losing it, and I mean, losing it. This guy cannot believe media would kill off a character that hasn't been used in anything else for 20 years.

We finally get to the linked "I hope WW3 happens" tweet which reaches a slightly larger audience.

People also start memeing it


The guy's still reeing about the death over a day later.

Considering he can't stop talking about it, I can only assume that this has become a fetish for him.

Reported by:
Anon has had it
Where is the 1913 Vienna of 2024? :thinkingstatue:

I'm surprised you're not reporting on this.

The Sharty has uncovered an extremely well established p-dophile and animal s*x abused material trading ring hiding in open sight on YouTube.

I have gone through the thread and investigated for myself, and I can confirm that links lead to both beastiality and child abuse materials. I have purged the VM that was used to investigate for obvious reasons. I never want to see shit like that again in my life.

The original thread links to a channel called Mister Kopi (Archive link) that appears innocent enough from the video content, however as highlighted by the OP of Sharty, when viewing the thumbnails of the channel:

The following is the best way to describe how they are distributing these materials without being caught by safeguards put in place to prevent linking to illegal materials.

Password text flashes randomly throughout video

Linking to a secon video

Posting another link to Pastebin

Leading to the Pastelink requiring the password. I will not be accessing or showing what is contained behind this after the VM was purged for obvious reasons however multiple people - unfortunately myself included - can confirm that the materials contained in such are fricking horrendous.

I also theorize why they post the password in such a cryptic manner aside from hiding from the AI and automatic screens and I believe they are doing this as to improve any potential revenue and exposure by YouTube. The passwords appear to be intentionally framed in such a way as to avoid someone getting it from previewing the timeline, and as such it makes the viewer go from start to finish. These channels are potentially monetized and making direct income from doing this.

Speaking of income, another entirely fricking horrendous fact is that these channels appear to have monetisation from other sources - in this channel alone there are links to paid click-through advertisements meaning that this individual is making direct income from people accessing child s*x abuse materials.

It doesn't stop there, however. There is an entire fricking economy of these channels - mostly appearing from Indonesia, however a common trend pops up. This is from one video.

When accessing channels such as the above you will find that they are using the exact same method.

This is a well established and highly operational p-dophile ring that is potentially making money directly from YouTube and other websites for doing so. It is entirely out in the open and appears to be operating for at least a year if not longer.

There's a riot happening :marseyfsjal: in /r/sanantonio over an ugly haircut

This is the Edgar (with a hard R). Mexican TikTok :marseynominers: addicts love it and pretty :marseyglam: much every criminal :marseymugshot: in San Antonio California does too (because they're all 14 year old mexicans). Antoniocels have started to notice :marseynoooticer: this, and make comments on it in every post, so naturally, jannies have decided that dropping the hard R is racist and remove every comment :marseysoypointdubz: using this disgusting :marseychonkmaxx: slur. Por ejemplo:


More removed comments:

And now Antoniocels have started rioting:

They're calling jannies :marseyeffortpostnow: gringo pandejos too:

And it's completely true, they are a bunch of gringos:

They've decided that it's time for jannycide:

r*pe baiting methods
My husband said he wants to divorce because I breastfed my son: 'Now they've been in another man's mouth'

In six short days, this tale of moidal dysfunction has gone from /r/NotHowGirlsWork to Xhitter, to the NYPost (the house media organ of the angry Xiterverse) and now back to /r/2XC.


What's the verdict, dramautists?


!fellas do you agree with this


Follow up tweet:

Also, obligatory: :#marseywould:

MAY BOOKCLUB WINNER & ANNOUNCEMENT! :marseyreading: :marseynotes:

good evening !bookworms! :star: so The Idiot and Culture of Narcissism were tied, and I have decided that we will follow @neoconshill's protocol and read The Idiot first, and Lasch will be the book we read next unless y'all complain about it, in which case we will not lolz. I am excited and I hope you are too! :marseyangel:

tentative chapter breakdown!

so this book has four parts. :marseyclappingglasses: we will do our best to get through one part per week, which might be a little intense so we can play that by ear. :marseypaperbag: i'm a little concerned :marseysweating: for those of us non-NEETs, :marseywhirlyhat: so we may need to persevere :marseybuff: and extend bookclub may through to june, as this is probably going to be a LOT of material considering we're dealing w/ russian lit i am stupid for nominating this book, i never said i was bright. :marseyspecial: for now, this is how we will break this down:

Week 1: read Part 1 (Ch 1-16): read 2ish ch/day if you can, if not that's fine lol

Week 2: read Part 2 (Ch 1-12): read 2ish ch/day

Week 3: read Part 3 (Ch 1-10): read 2ish ch/day

Week 4: read Part 4 (Ch 1-12): read 2ish ch/day

i am mildly concerned that those of us who are not !verifiedhot will have a tough time w/ this schedule so I will leave it up to y'all to dive in and decide if this schedule/book works. this is a club and i am not your mother. vote/complain/discuss below. :marseysaluteusa: i lowkey would be fine w/ reading Atomised or one of the Mishima books instead, but that's your call. have a great night/day, sorry this is lazy i'm high i love you :marseybutt:

New Xtoss
Reported by:

Previously, I had declared my feelings of affection to a female friend of mine (let's just call her Sarah because her name is Sarah). The feelings were not reciprocated, but she let me down in a weird way, she spoke about how she doesn't know how she feels, but she's not looking for a relationship at the moment. She embraces the asexuality meme which is partially how we ended up being friends.

More recently, I decided to give it another shot but to be more tactful this time. I told her I don't think I'm asexual anymore, and that I want to be in a relationship. Once again, she reiterated that she doesn't know how she feels and that a relationship isn't what she wants. Nevertheless, as always, she was nice about it and continues to actively pursue my friendship and constantly tells me she loves me.

At first, this confused me. However, I think I have some of it figured out. I have learned a bit about women and human relationships in general from this experience, and I'd like to share some of the reasons why it's almost certainly a bad idea to pursue your female friends. Now, of course there will be exceptions. Sometimes your female friend genuinely does like you and you'll have a romcom moment. My point is that that's probably not the case, and while you may view the friendship with rose-tinted glasses, she sees things totally differently.

1. They're used to it

Since they started developing breasts, women have been the center of sexual attention. It comes from all angles including older men, teachers, family members, and even other women. At some point, they get used to it and it becomes background noise. "Yes, he's ogling my breasts but I need to finish scanning my groceries".

The sexual attention also comes from male friends. You're NOT the first male friend to express romantic emotions, and you won't be the last. She's turned all of them down, what makes you think things will be different with you? She's used to it, she probably saw it coming, and she doesn't want it. If she did, you wouldn't have to ask because she'd make it obvious to you that she's romantically interested.

Now, there is the possibility of misreading signals, which brings us to the next point.

2. Women genuinely have platonic feelings

This is not to say that men are incapable of having platonic relationships. Nay, that is not my point. My argument is that it is much harder for men to do so. People shit on Steve Harvey but he was 100% correct when he said the following:

Things aren't the same with women. They can genuinely love you deeply without any sexual or romantic feelings. Why is this? Women don't have to deal with the famine mentality. For many men, s*x and love are scarce resources, so when it even vaguely seems like there's an opportunity for it, the feelings come on strong. Hence the cliche of "the cashier smiled at me now I want to marry her". (Most) women aren't leading you on intentionally when they allow intimacy into a friendship. That's the way friendships should be. But it doesn't mean she wants anything sexual or romantic.

3. You're in love because you're lonely

This is probably the crux of the issue. When you're starving, even a mud pie looks delicious. As men, you will face long stretches of loneliness and never being told you're beautiful, attractive, or worthy of anything. Inasmuch as catcalling and sexual objectification should be chastised, it at least serves as some kind of validation of one's attractiveness.

A friendship with a woman can bring about those feelings of validation within men and if you're not ready for it, it's going to develop into obsessive love. If you had higher self-esteem, more experience with women, or a source of love, your friendships with women would be completely normal and platonic. It's when these elements are missing that any smile, hug, or eye-gaze turns into fantasies of marriage.

When she inevitably turns you down, what are you left with? Nothing yet again. Nobody to say they love you or assure you that you are wanted in this world.

Things get more complicated if you're an introvert. Most relationships seem useless unless you're benefitting considerably. In your mind the thinking is "I'd only put this much effort into a relationship if I had romantic feelings". Whereas if the woman is an extrovert, it isn't costing her much mental energy to maintain the relationship. I hope that make sense.

4. She knows already

Don't bother. She already knows you like her. She accepts that as part of the cost of the friendship. That's not a bad thing. It means there's something good about you that she wants in her life even if its not of the romantic nature. You should be flattered by this even if it is heartbreaking at times.

Some women are a bit mean with this. They essentially get everything they would get from a boyfriend (someone to talk to, someone to take care of them) without the need to commit. But that's not always the case. In my case, Sarah goes out her way to be nice to me and to spend time with me. She's not using me for anything - a genuine, platonic friendship is all she wants. It's hard for my brain to wrap my head around it. I thought it was obvious that she felt something. Maybe I had to take the lead and break the ice? Nah, I'm convinced she knew ages ago I liked her but loved me enough to still be my friend despite not sharing romantic feelings.

5. You may lose everything

Life is about taking risks so I don't want to stress this point too much. However, if she doesn't already know and you spring it up on her, she may never trust you again and you will lose all the intimacy of your friendship. She will remain guarded around you, and perhaps even think of you as a slimy coomer who tried to use friendship to get into her pants. Shit can get brutal.

I've been lucky to have an understanding friends who has continued to be nice to me. I know that this isn't the case for everyone, and it also depends on how you respond to the rejection.


Heartbreak is one of the worst feelings to experience. It's like a knife constantly twisting in your chest. But it's part of life for most of us. A lucky few will find high-school sweethearts and never have to play the dating game, but for most of us, we're going to get rekt a couple times before we find the right one (if we ever do). Please, for the love of god, don't go looking for a girlfriend from your female friends. There's a difference between a girl friend and a girlfriend.

I'm probably preaching to the choir, and this may be obvious to most people here. But I know there are some autists who may need to read this to spare themselves the heartache I went through. The funny part is that if you're in love, nothing I write is going to change anything. You'll think your case is different. You'll try your luck. And you'll get rekt. But don't let me stop you. Some mistakes are meant to be made.

I know the asexuality meme isn't true. One day, she'll find a guy she likes (not me) and all that asexuality shit will disappear. And when it happens it will hurt like heck. However, I'm prepared, and I'll still be her friend. I'm wiser now thanks to the mistakes I've made. Thanks for reading.

League of Legends players getting their ENTIRE PCs bricked by the new anti-cheat :marseylaptopangry2:

The claims⁠, which were mainly shared on X (formerly Twitter) but also popped up across Reddit and Facebook, range from Vanguard preventing startup programs from firing correctly to other programs crashing when the anti-cheat software loads, and some have even suggested Riot's kernel program has been “tampering with unrelated files.” Others simply dubbed it “malware” and declared they would be quitting League until the program stopped breaking PCs.

One high-profile example came from famed League creator LS, who reported both his computers breaking after Vanguard was installed on May 1. He said he fixed one by taking out the CMOS battery and forcing BIOS access, but suggested his other computer is “still bricked.” :#marseylaugh: :

Several user posts on the purported Vanguard issues have also been shared to the main League subreddit but they have since been deleted. :marseysnoo:

While Riot has yet to address any of the early backlash directly, tech staff have been active in the “Patch 14.9 Bug Megathread” on /r/LeagueOfLegends. One Riot reply suggested some of today's alleged issues “wouldn't be related to Vanguard” and offered up a simpler solution⁠—restart impacted devices and run PC troubleshooting. :marseysmughips:

The same Riot staffer also suggested any aggrieved players could upload Riot Vanguard logs to the League support page to help “isolate what the issue is.” All the Reddit comments from that Rioter have since been removed. :#marseylaughpoundfist:

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